Study Finds That Patients Who Lose Weight Have Better Joint Replacement Outcomes

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“Our findings represent the first report to present evidence that weight loss is associated with improved clinical outcomes, while weight gain is associated with inferior outcomes, although these results are really not surprising,” said Geoffrey Westrich, MD, senior investigator and director of research, Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement at Hospital for Special Surgery. More than one million knee and hip replacements are performed in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (Knee = 719,000; Hip = 332,000). Following almost 7,000 patients enrolled in the joint replacement registry at HSS, researchers found that while some patients lost or gained weight after joint replacement, the majority of patients maintained the same body mass index, or BMI, that they had prior to surgery. The paper, titled, “Weight Change after Hip and Knee Arthroplasty: Incidence, Predictors and Effects on Clinical Outcomes,” will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in New Orleans on March 14.
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How to Lose Weight with Running

This doesnt mean youll burn more total calories. In fact, it could be argued that youll burn less because you may not be able to run as far or as fast as you could if you had fueled before the run. As a beginner, its more important to determine what type of pre-run meal or snack works for you. Try a couple different things and stick with what works best. The Bottom Line When youre starting out, try not to focus all of your energy on weight loss and how many calories youre burning each time you head out for a run. While youll notice some physical benefits when training, weight loss can be a slow and gradual process.
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I used to be so angry, thinking I’d never lose weight… I was drowning in food, says Fergie

Earlier this year, her two-stone weight loss caused a flurry as she left a New York restaurant looking gaunt

At the moment the teas are just for her but she has had so much interest in them that she is considering whether to market them, they said. There are a number of commercial opportunities she is exploring but nothing has been signed yet. Sarah has a very sweet tooth it has always been something of a downfall of hers and decided she needed to keep it in check She swears by them. Like most women she just wants to feel better about herself. She saw a few photographs of herself that she didnt like. The duchess has struggled financially since her 1996 divorce from Prince Andrew, which saw her secure a modest 350,000 cash settlement.
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